is it the truth or is it just popular opinion?

As I’m looking around the health-o-sphere, I’m struck by how many opinions are fighting for their chance in the spotlight. How many people are so aggressively forcing their truth on others, and how many people are so lost in their own lives that they are willingly eating it up, despite how little it helps them. 

So many people are engaged in the habit of outsourcing their bodily wisdom, their desire, their connection to themselves to a higher authority, to an “expert.”  But how many of us are truly looking for truth? How many of us are just seeking regulations? To me it often seems like everyone is just bobbing along in their lil bumper car bodies waiting to bopped in the right direction by someone else. Instead of taking responsibility for ourselves, or owning our needs. 

we are not machines, we are human beings.

Health is about so much more than food, exercise and militant meal planning. Holistic health is the only health. We aren’t machines. We can’t be separated out into individual parts and treated piecemeal. It just doesn’t work like that, no matter how much industrialized medicine and big pharma want to push that narrative. That’s simply not how biological organisms work. 

Reclaiming your health means reclaiming your sovereignty, your connection to yourself, thus your connection to the world. Humans have never been so disconnected from our roots as we are now, and it shows. But why all of the disconnection? We aren’t serving the planet, we aren’t serving ourselves, we are sick + weak in mind + body from this experiment in deferring our authority to ‘the experts.’

stand in your power. stand in your convictions.

That is why I vote that this devious experiment has gone on long enough! What would happen if we returned to our roots? If we returned to ourselves as our own authority? What are we afraid of with getting to know ourselves? Of getting familiar with our needs? Our desires? Our cravings? Where is the harm in giving ourselves what we actually want? 

And I’m not talking about binging on chips + soda— I’m talking about eating a rare steak slathered in butter and following it with an ice cold glass of raw milk. I think the burden of  ‘proof’ has become a crutch for us in the world of nutrition. We’re afraid to eat unless science has told us it’s okay, but are we asking who’s doing the science?

Aren’t you curious why the foods humans evolved on are the very foods that are demonized without evidence? Aren’t you curious why ‘foods’ that are made in a lab are being touted as more ‘healthful’ options than the foods that came from the same earth as we did? Aren’t you curious why after years of being vegan your body still wants a steak? Or ice cream? Or cheese? 

shooting a .50 caliber rifle in Juneau, Alaska

question everything. curiousity brings us closer to our ooey gooey center.

Why are you eating?

How did you prepare it?

Where did it come from? How does your body feel about the source?

Are you in touch with your cravings? What do they tell you?

Do you trust in the wisdom of your body? Or are you afraid that it’s trying to trick you?

trusting yourself is so much more than making a statement.

Trust is built. It’s earned through consistent actions that convey integrity, intention + safety. How are you building your trust in your body? Or are you only building your trust in a system that has already failed you? What rituals do you practice to show your body it can trust you?

When your body complains, how do you meet it? How do you respond? How did your parents respond to your complaints growing up? When you have a complaint what feels most supportive to you? Do you speak kindly to your body?

When you have a cold, do you feel better when you ignore it + carry on? Or when you take the time to rest and recuperate your energy + vitality?

emotional issues can cause physical symptoms.

Have you ever noticed a physical symptoms from emotional issues? How far did you take that connection? When you are struggling physically, how do you feel emotionally?

Do you take the time to sit with your body’s needs + pain? Or do you numb out? Bully yourself back into action? Does your inner critic attack you for not being productive? Or are you able to relish in the rest your body craves?

When did this idea of ‘productivity’ become the highest goal? Are we wo(man) or machine? I don’t know about you, but I am not here to produce. To create? Perhaps. To work? In service to my basic needs, happily. But I am not a factory here for production. How about you? Are you a human or a machine? Bot today?

Productivity does not equal purpose.

Do you treat yourself like a machine? Always “on” or “off,” your only value from doing? Or do you understand your purpose is to be? Do you see that work without purpose is wildly unfulfilling? I believe we are meant to work, but not in this capitalist production scheme we seem to be trapped in. We have enough. We are enough. Everything we need already exists. Technology, inventions, and industry will only ever be a poor mimicry of an organic existence. Trying to reinvent the wheel, as it were.

You can spend your life chasing the next gadget, pharmaceutical magic pill, or new invention to make you whole, or you can accept that you were born whole and connected to all other life, and that connection will keep you whole + fulfilled for as long as you choose to maintain it.

If you would like support navigating the path back to wholeness,
back to connection to your core needs, desires and purpose,
Book a consultation with me.