on the harm of binary thought patterns

The most toxic mindset I see currently is a hard binary of thinking. Very few things are truly black or white. Unfortunately this is the type of thinking that dominates our modern world, especially where it pertains to health and longevity.

Everyone is in their camp, holding up their slogans and spouting off about how their opinion is the truest one; the real one; the unbiased one; the most helpful one; the secret to health. This encourages reductionist, emotionally driven black and white thinking— myopic, but not in a good way.

The truth is there are thousands of ways to nurture a healthy vessel, and all of them involve connecting to, listening to, and supporting your body, soul and mind, and none of them involve a rigid diet plan built by someone else. 

This is a hard truth because as humans we love our illusions of certainty. We love feeling like we have all the answers, and that our dogma of the day is the only one that matters. What we don’t love is acknowledging that we are the only human on this planet who is responsible for taking good care of our vessel; we don’t want to acknowledge our personal responsibility because then we would have to humble ourselves to admit when we’re wrong, or not doing enough, or making lazy or uninformed choices that come with consequences to our health.

But what I hate most about binary thinking is the false dualism of the world it presents.

Meat is good; so plants are bad.

Industrially hyper-processed seed fats cause disease, weight gain, and inflammation; so all fat is bad.

Sugar paired with highly processed foods wreak havoc in our bodies; so all sugar is bad.

Being overweight is unhealthy and predisposes you to adverse health conditions; so any amount of excess fat is bad.

Heavily sprayed, GMO, WGA, “enriched” or “fortified” flour products make me sick; so all gluten and flour products are bad for me.

In ethics this type of thinking is called a logical fallacy. 

places i've found healing

places i’ve found healing:

  1. human design

  2. enneagram

  3. MBTI

  4. highly sensitive persons

  5. NARM theory

  6. attachment styles

  7. human development

  8. natal charts in astrology

  9. the emotion code

  10. muscle testing

  11. EFT tapping

  12. neuro-training/ brain rewiring

  13. ancestral nutrition

  14. mineral balancing

  15. intuitive eating

  16. structured water

  17. quantum physics

  18. effects of various light spectrums on health

  19. auras

  20. empaths

  21. hormone balancing

  22. herbalism

  23. interconnectedness of all thing: mycelium

  24. lymphatic drainage techniques/ gua sha

  25. bates method for healing eyesight

  26. fermentation

  27. trauma informed listening

  28. self-healing capabilities

  29. somatic healing

  30. witches / magick

current affairs

i feel like people don’t believe in simplicity anymore. like we need everything to be complex, studied, proven, backed by “science”, backed by an “expert”, or by someone else’s experience, knowledge or reasoning.

we’re at this point in humanity where you can’t say anything without proving that someone else has said it first, and i find that really strange + disconcerting. 

it’s like we’ve forgotten that humans have successfully lived on this planet for hundreds of thousands of years without industrialized medicine, or science, or pharma, or modern industry.

but now we’re more prone to trust another’s word, experience, or expertise over our own lived experience. as if all of the sensations of our own bodies are lies, and truth only exists in popular opinion, or mainstream GroupThink.

we’ve invented new terms like conspiracy theorist and pseudoscience to label those who don’t fall in line with the dogma of the day. we believe tiny, invisible particles can destroy us, that we are always at risk of falling ill from a handshake, a hug or a conversation, but we can’t fathom the idea that all of this modernity has brought with it toxic loads that sit in our bodies like lead balloons, destroying us from the inside out.

we can’t fathom it because it’s so “easy” to eat this way, so “easy” to live this way, and besides, the people who sold it to us assured us of its modern wonder + health benefits galore. besides, corporations NEVER lie, especially not the big ones.

so if our bodies are collectively falling apart after eating + living this way for just over a century out of 250 thousand centuries [or more], it’s obviously couldn’t be the new additions to the world, to our diets + routines. no, that wouldn’t make sense. it must be the invisible particles that we’ve always coexisted with. 

it must be the foods of our ancestors that have done the damage not the foods of factories + money-hungry corporations. 

it couldn’t be that our bodies are struggling to deal with the onslaught of inorganic substances, chemicals, heavy metals, endocrine disruptors + hormone mimickers; it must be the cows. 

it can’t be that our bodies are working exactly as they’re designed to, trying as best they can to detox from these New World toxins brought into existence + made abundant in our food supplies, personal products, and lives. 

no, it’s more likely that our bodies are merely hoping against hope they don’t accidentally cross paths with an insidious microbial entity that will surely destroy them, even though 1 drop of seawater contains 10 million viruses. 

so in today’s world, if you aren’t afraid of microbial evil geniuses, and you choose to eat the diet of your ancestors, if you choose to see the truth + wisdom in embracing the natural world that your lineage came from, and rejecting the overt toxicity of modern industry you are the conspiracy theorist, the quack, the extremist, and the irresponsible idiot.

“your lack of fear is what is hurting us all.” i never thought that “common sense” could be so fucking stupid.