5 ways to work with me—

$333 | 90 minute call + personalized protocol

$888 | 3 month 1:1 support + personalized protocol + 3 75 minute calls + Q&A support through text or email.

$77 | 1 hour food psychology support calls to work on individual blocks around food or lifestyle changes + tools for healing.

$88 1 hour deep listening emotional support call + trauma coaching + tools to meet yourself deeper + to heal.

$25 | Monthly fee for unlimited Q&A support as you follow your own intuitions.

Paid via Venmo, Paypal, or CashApp.

If you are wanting to get started, here is the best way to work with me currently.

In my experience in the world of health, nutrition and trauma healing, I have found that there are an absolutely overwhelming amount of voices and views on what the “best diet” is, or how to change your life without actually changing anything other than buying a new product, or taking a new pill.

Quite frankly, I’m fucking sick of it.

At this point, to me, most health advice is just noise pollution.

And what I find to be the most strange is the fact that despite there being hundreds of thousands of “experts” in the world of health + nutrition + healing, people are getting sicker than ever before in history. Despite [but really because of] modern “advancements” disease rates are skyrocketing.

The “natural” world of healing isn’t much better; I own at least 20 books that preach the perfect diet, the detox diet, the do’s + don’t’s, the gospel of health + longevity, and yet, very few of them agree with one another—it’s fucking confusing, and this is what I have studied for a decade!

As I look around and talk to others, I feel like I am slapped in the face with the propaganda we have all been spoon fed for at least the past century. Layers upon layers of outright lies, manipulations and misdirection by the people in power, and marketers who stand to make a buck— and all of it “for our health!”

It’s honestly repulsive. It’s a thick, sticky mud that we’re all wading through, the bog of eternal stench of manipulative marketing aimed at the most vulnerable people.

So as I began building this business in 2020, as the world was crumbling all around me over a “highly contagious virus” I realized that while it is true that most people need more education in order to overcome the past century+ of dense indoctrination, what we need more than anything is to have the ability to think for ourselves. 

To question information, to assess our beliefs, to understand who we are and what we’re capable of, piece by piece. Before we can deconstruct the lies we’ve been taught, we must form a connection to our core self; we must be willing to assess our motivations, our limiting beliefs, and what we hold precious in our lives.

Studies show that people will stubbornly hold onto their faulty beliefs even when presented with irrefutable evidence to the contrary. I find this to be a protective mechanism of our brains, resisting change until it has the time to process it.

That is how I realized that the biggest problem we are facing in today’s world is that we are no longer taking the time to get familiar with, to process, to understand, and assimilate our belief systems.

So even though we live in the “age of information” while there are more experts than ever before we are unable to utilize the power that gives us, because we haven’t been taught critical thinking or how to hold space for and to process our own emotions, much less anyone else’s. 

Even if we were taught these things, our world now moves at such a quick pace that many of us are struggling to simply keep up with our day to day responsibilities, much less adding on the work of parsing out our great and small beliefs. 

This work is not for the faint of heart, and it’s not easy to go at it alone. That is why I am here doing this work to help guide you through the process of discovering your conscious + unconscious beliefs around the things that impact your everyday life.